UVA College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
The College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences is the foundation upon which the excellence of the University of Virginia rests. The largest of UVA’s schools, A&S educates 70% of all undergraduate students (conferring upwards of 2,500 degrees each year), trains a quarter of the graduate students, appoints 60% of the tenure-track faculty, and houses the core disciplines that form the heart of the University’s academic reputation.
UVA Democracy Initiative
The University of Virginia’s Democracy Initiative aspires to excellence in integrated research, teaching and public engagement on democracy at a global scale—bringing together a diverse range of scholars, government leaders, and practitioners to study and advance the prospects of democracy around the world. Led by UVA’s College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, in partnership with the nonpartisan Miller Center of Public Affairs and in collaboration with colleagues from across the University, the Democracy Initiative was established in 2018 with leadership support from generous donors to the College Foundation and the Jefferson Scholars Foundation. It is designed to engage a wide audience—from undergraduates to world leaders—in examining the challenges confronting democracies today.
Miller Center of Public Affairs
The Miller Center is a nonpartisan affiliate of the University of Virginia that specializes in presidential scholarship, public policy, and political history. They strive to apply the lessons of history and civil discourse to the nation’s most pressing contemporary governance challenges. Their partnership with the Democratic Statecraft Lab provides support in the areas of public and academic engagement by connecting researchers, helping to coordinate speaker visits and providing logistical support when applicable.